Jan 29, 2015
This voice lesson video will pump up your muscles of inhalation. These are advanced breathing techniques! Check out Episodes 55 and 56 for beginning/intermediate breathing techniques for singers.
Jan 22, 2015
In this voice lesson video, learn the components that effect your vocal tone and how to improve your own vocal tone.
Sing Better In 3 Days Free Voice Lesson Video Course
Jan 15, 2015
Learn some exercises to make your external instercostals strong. External instercostals are the muscles of inhalation. Stregthen these muscles for better singing.
Jan 8, 2015
What is appoggio and why is it the best way to breathe for singing? Find out in this voice lesson video.
Jan 1, 2015
An episode answering your singing questions and having a little bit of fun with comments on YouTube.
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