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I help performing artists and independent singer-songwriters give amazing singing performances. On the Star Singer Podcast we talk about all things singing, performance, and industry so that you can finally become the Star Singer that you were meant to be!

Aug 31, 2023

These are things that I say in almost EVERY first voice lesson...and the big picture concepts...timless. 

These are my BEST singing tips and if you can master will change everything. 

Want to use these big picture tips with specific vocal exercises? 

Get my free Foundations Of Singing Higher Course Here


Aug 24, 2023

If you want to sing higher, sound great, and navigate the vocal break - this episode is for you! 

If you’ve ever felt like mastering singing higher just isn’t working, taking too long, isn’t sounding good, or leaving you with a voice that feels like you are in 2 pieces (head voice + chest voice) - you are not...

Aug 14, 2023

Releasing the voice is one of THE most important skills that you can learn as a singer. It is SO powerful!

PS - If you want to become a great need a strong singing foundation. 

GET THE FREE COURSE - Foundations Of Singing Higher HERE

Perfect, not only if you want to sing higher, but for any singer that...

Aug 6, 2023

You don't have to be good enough, worthy enough, or talented enough to start taking voice lessons. 

In fact, none of that stuff ACTUALLY matters - it's pretty much all created in your mind. 

When it comes to Voice Lessons anything is possible for you with commitment, consistency, and the right Vocal Coach! 

Here are 4...